No Windows license needed. CrossOver for Mac, Linux and Chrome OS easily opens and installs thousands of Windows programs. Start your free 14-day trial download today! OS updates and all install properly too. Now when OS X Mavericks was available all I had to do was fire up Chameleon wizard and update the boot loader, create a bootable Mavericks Install disc, and install the system. Every things working fine out of the box. Took me no more than an hour.
If you have not already tried it, see if Command-Option-R will work on boot, and see if your Mac will reload its software directly from Apple.

Crossover Mac Os X Mavericks For Windows 10
Install tap driver windows 10. If not, then—using another Mac—create a bootable installer on a scratch USB device, and then connect that to your Mac and boot that.

If you haven’t prefiously downloaded Mavericks from Apple using your Apple ID, you may have to contact Apple, explain your issue and which Mac you have here, and request a Mavericks redemption code..
Download Os X Mavericks 10.9


Given you’re working with a MacBook Pro 13” Mid 2010, that Mac can boot and run High Sierra and Mojave, and that’s directly available from Apple. That Mac is also upgradable, and can be expanded to 8GB of memory.
Which means that Mavericks is probably not what you want to start with.
Here are direct downloads for the last three macOS releases, from which you can use the appropriate creayeinstalmedia command to build a botable installer on a USB decice on another Mad. That if the Command-Option-R doesn’t get you there..
Crossover Mac Os X Mavericks
Oct 17, 2018 3:19 PM