- Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writer Online
- Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writer Free
- Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf
- Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writer
- Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writers
Construction Contracts Jimmie Hinze Snippet view – Construction Contracts Jimmie Hinze No preview available – Thanks for telling us about the problem. Nearly every chapter has information necessary jmimie answer at least one question on the practice test and the information is presented in a manner makes creating flash cards very easy.
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- A construction contract is between a client that is seeking to build or remodel a new structure and a general contractor.The agreement will detail the general contractor’s scope of work including, payment, and rights to subcontract any of the tasks involved in completing the construction.
What is a Construction Contract?
A construction contract is a written document that sets rights and obligations for a construction project and complies with state law.
What can I do with Construction Contract Writer?

With Craftsman's Construction Contract Writer you can:
- Answer interview questions to draft construction contracts that fit each job
- Make a legal contract that will protect you in court if there's a disagreement
- Write contracts that comply with state and federal laws
- Anticipate disputes, and resolve key issues in your favor with bias control
- Create subcontracts based on the prime contract
- Take control of the contract drafting process
- Keep up-to-date with changes in contract law
- Include only warranty protection you select
- Create a contract as simple or as detailed as the project requires
- Save and easily modify existing contracts
- Print contracts, or export to MS Word or as a PDF for electronic delivery or archiving on disk
- Get legal help writing contracts
How is Construction Contract Writer different?
Printed construction contract forms and construction contract templates are available from several trade and professional associations. For example, AIA construction contracts and subcontracts are available from the AIA. Sample construction contracts by the EJCDC and by the AGC are also available as printed forms. These standard contracts are legal construction agreements in some states and for some purposes. But none are intended to comply with the law in every state. Construction Contract Writer for your state drafts residential, commercial and industrial construction contracts and subcontracts and public works subcontracts that comply with the law in your state. Using a standard contractor agreement that doesn't comply with state law can result in heavy fines or suspension. Even if you avoid fines, a contract that doesn't comply with state law puts you at a disadvantage if there's a dispute. An attorney for the other side will be quick to point out the flaws and explain why you can't collect the final payment.
What information will I need to make my contract?

Start drafting your construction contract by gathering the essential information:
- Decide how you want to set the bias – fair and balanced, or tilted in your favor
- Address of the work site, names of the contracting parties and the contract price
- Name and address of any representative, architect or bank to be mentioned in the contract
- Scope of the work:
- What's included in the job?
- What's excluded?
- How you want to handle errors in the plans or specs?
- What if there are unexpected site conditions?
- Who is responsible for job safety, hazardous materials, temporary utilities, job cleanup, inspections and testing?
- Payment schedules:
- Initial payment
- Progress payments
- Final payment
Can Construction Contract Writer prepare management contracts?
Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writer Online
Yes. Construction Contract Writer can handle all of the following:
- Management contracts
- Time and material contracts
- Cost-plus contracts
- Contract allowances and alternate bids
- Interest rates on unpaid balances
- Grounds for withholding payment
- Requirement for lien waivers
- Bonus for early completion, damages for delay
- Pricing extra work and changes in the work
- What insurance and bonds will be required
- The construction schedule and extensions of time
- Warranty: duration, defects, disclaimers
How long will it take to draft my first contract?
About a half hour for simple construction agreements. Drafting a commercial contract for a shopping center might require an hour or more.
Is there a free trial?
Yes. Get started writing contracts for free with a feature-limited trial of Construction Contract Writer. The free trial does not expire, so use the program as long as you like. Draft construction contract agreements to see if Construction Contract Writer is right for you. Printing, exporting, and the ability to copy and paste are disabled in the trial. When you’re ready, upgrade to the licensed version of Construction Contract Writer to enable all features and automatic updates. Successful download and installation are guaranteed. With an active license you can save your contracts for future use or modification at a later date. Print contracts directly, or export to MS Word or as a PDF for electronic delivery or archiving on disk.
What is the cost?
Single-state editions of Construction Contract Writer are $99 and come with one year of free updates. A single-state edition with three years of updates is $129. Thereafter annual updates are $25. Construction contract law changes at least annually in most states. If you need Construction Contract Writer for all of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, the cost is $295 and includes a free backup disk.
What if I have questions?
Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writer Free

Construction Contract Writer includes extensive legal and practical information to help you every step along the way. On the right side of every screen in the interview you'll see information about the choices available. Licensed users can get answers to contract drafting questions. We can’t draft the contract for you, but if you need advice on assembling a construction contract that meets requirements for your job, our legal staff is on call. If you get stuck, in the Construction Contract Writer software go to the Help menu and select the “Get Help from an Attorney” option. You'll have an answer in 24 hours, usually sooner. Unlimited phone support is free from 8AM to 5PM (Pacific), Monday through Friday. Contact us.
Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf

Is it safe to make a contract without a lawyer?
If you’re accustomed to getting legal advice on most business deals, we won’t suggest anything different. If your style is doing jobs on notes scribbled on a business card or on a form you found on the Web, we suggest that Construction Contract Writer can substantially reduce your risk, either with or without review by legal counsel. Construction Contract Writer is very comprehensive, offering options far broader than needed for nearly any job. But nothing happens in Construction Contract Writer until you start answering interview question. If you don’t have the time to consider and understand the options available, maybe you need an attorney more than you need Construction Contract Writer.
Of course, there is a middle ground. Attorneys are accustomed to reviewing contracts. Produce a contract with Construction Contract Writer and get an opinion from legal counsel before offering the document for signature. If your attorney suggests changes, and if Construction Contract Writer can’t accommodate those recommendations, maybe Construction Contract Writer is not the best choice for your work. When your contract is approved by your legal counsel, use that agreement as a model for all similar jobs. Construction Contract Writer makes it easy to clone any contract on file.
Where can I get a short, simple, standard construction contract form that's legal in every state?
There's no such thing. The notices and disclosures required by State and Federal law make even the shortest residential construction contractor form at least 10 pages long. Drafting a legal construction contract is as complex as preparing a tax return. If you use one of the popular income tax return preparation programs (like TaxCut® or Turbo Tax®), Construction Contract Writer will become one of your favorites.
Is an internet connection required?
An internet connection is required for program updates and during installation.
What computers can use Construction Contract Writer?
Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writer
Recommended System Requirements
Construction Contracts Hinze Pdf Writers
- Operating Systems: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP; (both 32-bit & 64-bit)
- PC with one gigahertz (GHz) or higher Intel (or equivalent) processor recommended
- Requires up to 160 megabytes (MB) of hard disk space
- 512 MB system memory
- 1024 x 768 or higher video resolution, video adapter and monitor
- To listen to video tutorial — sound card and speakers or headphones
- DSL or cable internet connection is recommended for automatic updates and other optional program features