All-Pro Football 2K8. All-Pro Football 2K8 Rosters. Thankfully I was able to retrieve it, because I'm pretty sure you can't download it anywhere. Programmer KingJavo has uploaded an early, incomplete version of his homemade PC editor, which allows gamers to alter all the teams and players on the Xbox 360 edition of All-Pro Football 2K8 in more ways than ever before. Version of the editor, which can be downloaded for free from Mediafire, will only work on Windows computers. Support us on Patreon. Support us with Alipay. Contribute with GitHub. Contribute with testing. All-Pro Football 2K8. 2020-05-20 #8262. This game entry contains no available game updates. All-Pro Football 2K8 Demo. RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger written in C for Windows, Linux and BSD. All-Pro Football 2K8. Quite the same Wikipedia.
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- All-pro Football 2k8 Download Mac Download
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Game Record Forced Fumbles (15)
Set the single game record for forced fumbles.
Return a Fumble for a Touchdown (15)
Return a Fumble for a Touchdown.
Create a Player (5)
Create a Player.
Edit any part of your team (5)
Edit Team.
Gift of Grab (10)
Catch 10 Passes with a Bronze WR.
Create a Team (5)
Create a Team.
Game Record Defensive INT (20)
Set the single game record for INTs.
Game Record Passing Yards (15)
Set the single game record for Passing Yards.
Game Record Receiving Yards (20)
Set the single game record for Receiving Yards.
Game Record Rushing Yards (10)
Set the single game record for Rushing Yards.
Game Record for Defensive Sacks (20)
Set the single game record for Defensive Sacks.
Game Record Touchdowns (10)
Set the single game record for Touchdowns.
Stride Gum.. long lasting drive (20)
Near end of the 2nd qtr or later, score an 80 yard TD.
Return an INT for a Touchdown (15)
Return an INT for a Touchdown.
Win 10 Games Online (15)
Win 10 Online Games.
Win 20 Online Games (20)
Win 20 Online Games.
Half a Century (50)
Win 50 Online Games.
3 Online Wins in a Row (15)
3 Online Wins in a Row.
5 Online Wins in a Row (20)
5 Online Wins in a Row.
It's fun to play together (5)
Join an Online League.
Get Connected (5)
Play an Online Game.
2 INTs with a Gold defender (5)
Get 2 INTs with a Gold defender in a single game.
The first one is the hardest (10)
Win a game.
Bring'em down (15)
Record 15 Tackles with a Silver Player.
Shut'em Down (25)
Shut out the A.I. on Pro Difficulty.
All - Pro (15)
Shut Out the A.I. on All-Pro Difficulty.
Legend (20)
Shut Out the A.I. on Legend Difficulty.
Mission Impossible (100)
Complete Season Mode Undefeated and win
the League Championship.
Play a Season Game (10)
Complete a game in Season Game.
League Participation (20)
Play an Online League or Tournament Game.
We are the Champions (50)
Win an Online League or Tournament.
Golden Arm (20)
Throw for 500 Yards with a Gold QB in a Single Game.
Run & Gun (15)
Pass for 200 Yards & Rush for 50 Yards with
a Silver QB in a single game.
Six for 6 (10)
Throw 6 Touchdown Passes with a Bronze QB.
Two for One (20)
Gain 150 Rec YDS each with a Bronze and a Gold WR.
Over the top (15)
Gain 200 Rec YDS with a Bronze WR.
Pound it out (10)
Gain 250 Rushing Yards with a Bronze Running Back
in a single game.
You want me to do what? (20)
Gain 200 Rushing+100 Receiving Yards with
a Gold Running Back in a single game.
Ground Game (15)
Score 4 Rushing Touchdowns with a Silver Running Back
in a single game.
Sack Master (10)
Get 5 sacks in a single game with a Bronze Defender.
2 Points (10)
Get a Safety.
Butter fingers (30)
Set the Record for Forced Fumbles in a Single Season.
Covered like a blanket (35)
Break the single season record for INTs.
Spread the wealth (30)
Finish the Season with 5084+ Passing Yards
with a single player.
Take it to the house (35)
Finish the Season with 1848+ Receiving Yards
with a single player.
Single Season Rushing Record (20)
Finish the Season with 2105+ Rushing Yards
with a single player.
Single Season Sack Record (35)
Set the Single Season Sack Record.
Punch it in there (20)
Set the Single Season TD Record.
Win the Season Mode Championship (40)
Become the Season Mode Champion.
Mission Accomplished (25)
Complete Season.
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All-Pro Football 2K8 (Wii) |
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Enter the editor screen for your created team, then press Y to display the code entry prompt. Enter one of the following codes to get the corresponding custom NFL uniform:
Bears: sDZUEpqsPeJpP8weh5AuqxbsKjCuqBuWX
Bengals: czpDtbUasqRGWA8fwYXGFja3furTTkCD64
Bills: cztFTjng7q3F9dZfFWumKSuNLgVorbUB4F6eG
Broncos: 2xMJPf9tmZX8FJ99777qph2EdmHiNXvoUi
Buccaneers: oDGRtaHZSHKrergh7gCJ39tHrHAT8szy
Half life 2 gore mod. Chargers: FgvjA29noLsJkwg4HQCxajx2D6ZQHiwKjjB
Murgee auto clicker payment. Chiefs: wtmJxZGfyWiNY5nfJbvtGATuWkTo8aJ9Nf2ine
Colts: igwKkStreWhCkjSEiy20jPSo2tkdffzWbaqwAXr
Cowboys: SUwN9tEswaY3j6fvLDXRVzxvtxSrHd5BDL
Dolphins: PniVZF26fcDgzjik9MAsze3o5WevACfai4yTV
Eagles: EadEXFQGSQC9BjVtGCxafGeTba5XYQopiP
W4cgXuqDCsBd3KVz DRm79ebF4byaRQcd
Falcons: WajF9bpKCwn9px9pm7LLXXpXpeZ2VtTd8F
Giants: w4Lm8BKPszuNm9cnF5kGQiFhJJmJkaYXUD
Jaguars: crw99zZQuqdkv2VdQc6CSPDCSWp5MHoXK
Jets: dwLnnd7wrU45ADsAWHn42M5FQcjHdnxEun99U
Lions: C5GGtipzBgKvpSwHQPyHig3P5HFweVGpAAsr
Packers: gNbTheMiey98jNz2RT3jjLyoiNhDhz7snbXekjU
Panthers: fdytRmDRxfoKftw8eLRXH4rBNWL2AerTGiv5t
Patriots: fDj23mccTG7MGVuKPz8Un5AJRiuGX86YTHg
Raiders: REPXj5iLhuVc7gFajYEQYWqdP6chyVzAmDm
Rams: UbVCB5UidqVNDgHMGhQrBdE9E9yskG5bgyfq
Ravens: sAY5w8WiXWF8ySFeDvdpUH5nZ2aN5wTmyK
Redskins: f5cPbHDryc5WY7oHW7YcQvbFxWN2gGnq3w
Saints: tqSWFJAuB7ytFJxynKhxTvyKsskjvUjPVmTYPiB8
Seahawks: iqh8cMLeKSSDY3AwLY9bUfu7GNt4bX7ZUte
Steelers: pVVJm2RfspdBbvK98qjENLetYBQnmroEZ5pR
Texans: KgD8gVTSMCwUTWiHsuWKevRBThh7mvWRiq
Titans (with Fuel logo): mBaYQvsKxs7as4XQuFEhcoSnti
Old version microsoft office 2007. Vikings: qjyZhjjc8vbMJ2GNX2DDAHti4fPrrrgNs8Nt9kwX
Successfully complete all achievements to unlock the ability to create a gold star player with five abilities instead of the default three.
All Pro Football 2k8 Iso

All-pro Football 2k8 Download Mac
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

All Pro Football 2k8 Download

All-pro Football 2k8 Download Mac Download
- Create a Team (5 points): Create a Team.
- Gift of Grab (10 points): Catch 10 Passes with a Bronze WR.
- Create a Player (5 points): Create a Player.
- Edit any part of your team (5 points): Edit Team.
- Return a Fumble for a Touchdown (15 points): Return a Fumble for a Touchdown.
- Game Record Forced Fumbles (15 points): Set the single game record for forced fumbles.
- Game Record Defensive INT (20 points): Set the single game record for INTs.
- Game Record Passing yards (15 points): Set the single game record for Passing yards.
- Game Record Receiving yards (20 points): Set the single game record for Receiving yards.
- Game Record Rushing yards (10 points): Set the single game record for Rushing yards.
- Game Record for Defensive Sacks (20 points): Set the single game record for Defensive Sacks.
- Game Record Touchdowns (10 points): Set the single game record for Touchdowns.
- Stride Gum… long lasting drive (20 points): Near end of the 2nd quarter or later, score an 80 yard TD.
- Return an INT for a Touchdown (15 points): Return an INT for a Touchdown.
- Win 10 Games Online (15 points): Win 10 Online Games.
- Win 20 Online Games (20 points): Win 20 Online Games.
- Half a Century (50 points): Win 50 Online Games.
- 3 Online Wins in a Row (15 points): 3 Online Wins in a Row.
- 5 Online Wins in a Row (20 points): 5 Online Wins in a Row.
- It's fun to play together (5 points): Join an Online League.
- Get Connected (5 points): Play an Online Game.
- League Participation (20 points): Play an Online League or Tournament Game.
- We are the Champions (50 points): Win an Online League or Tournament.
- Golden Arm (20 points): Throw for 500 yards with a Gold QB in a Single Game.
- Run & Gun (15 points): Pass for 200 yards & Rush for 50 yards with a Silver QB in a single game.
- Six for 6 (10 points): Throw 6 Touchdown Passes with a Bronze QB.
- Two for One (20 points): Gain 150 Rec yards each with a Bronze and a Gold WR.
- Over the top (15 points): Gain 200 Rec yards with a Bronze WR.
- Pound it out (10 points): Gain 250 Rushing yards with a Bronze Running Back in a single game.
- You want me to do what? (20 points): Gain 200 Rushing+100 Receiving yards with a Gold Running Back in a single game.
- Ground Game (15 points): Score 4 Rushing Touchdowns with a Silver Running Back in a single game.
- Sack Master (10 points): Get 5 sacks in a single game with a Bronze Defender.
- 2 Points (10 points): Get a Safety.
- Butter fingers (30 points): Set the Record for Forced Fumbles in a Single Season.
- Covered like a blanket (35 points): Break the single season record for INTs.
- Spread the wealth (30 points): Finish the Season with 5084+ Passing yards with a single player.
- Take it to the house (35 points): Finish the Season with 1848+ Receiving yards with a single player.
- Single Season Rushing Record (20 points): Finish the Season with 2105+ Rushing yards with a single player.
- Single Season Sack Record (35 points): Set the Single Season Sack Record.
- Punch it in there (20 points): Set the Single Season TD Record.
- Win the Season Mode Championship (40 points): Become the Season Mode Champion.
- Mission Accomplished (25 points): Complete Season.
- Play a Season Game (10 points): Complete a game in Season Game.
- Mission Impossible (100 points): Complete Season Mode Undefeated and win the League Championship.
- All - Pro (15 points): Shut Out the A.I. on All-Pro Difficulty.
- Legend (20 points): Shut Out the A.I. on Legend Difficulty.
- Shut'em Down (25 points): Shut out the A.I. on Pro Difficulty.
- Bring'em down (15 points): Record 15 Tackles with a Silver Player.
- The first one is the hardest (10 points): Win a game.
- 2 INTs with a Gold defender (5 points): Get 2 INTs with a Gold defender in a single game.