Installing the GoToMeeting desktop app onto your computer allows you to get the most out of your meeting. When you start or join a meeting from the desktop app, the GoToMeeting software download will begin automatically. If your Mac is set to allow apps from the App Store and identified developers, and you try to install an app that isn’t signed by an identified developer and—in macOS Catalina and later—notarized by Apple, you also see a warning that the app cannot be opened.
How do I use Remote Control?
When you are the Presenter, you can grant other attendees shared control of your keyboard and mouse. This allows them to move the mouse around your screen and use their own keyboard to type on it for added collaboration. Of course your mouse always has priority - you can override attendees' mouse movements to temporarily regain control without removing their access.
Share keyboard and mouse control with others
You can give keyboard and mouse control to multiple attendees at once.- Give attendees keyboard and mouse control in the following ways:
- In the People pane, right-click or click the Arrow icon next to the desired attendee and Give Keyboard and Mouse.
- In the Presenter toolbar, click Remote Control > Give Access To and select the desired attendees. If you're on a Mac, you can allow all attendees with keyboard and mouse control by clicking Everyone.
- All attendees with keyboard and mouse control will have a Check icon next to their name. Attendees will see a notification that they have been given access to the presenter's keyboard and mouse. Note: Attendees who joined via the browser-based app must switch to the desktop app and then be made the presenterto share keyboard and mouse control. Mobile attendees cannot use this feature.
Temporarily take control of your keyboard and mouse
- Simply type or move your mouse to re-gain control temporarily. The other person can continue to control your keyboard and mouse, but you will override their movements.
- Instruct the person with keyboard and mouse control to resume controlling your screen when you're finished.
Remove keyboard and mouse control from others
Gotoassist Catalina Free
You can remove keyboard and mouse control in the same way that it was granted.- In the People pane, click Give Keyboard and Mouse next to the desired attendee so the Check icon disappears.
- In the Presenter toolbar, click Remote Control > Stop Remote Control.
Why won't keyboard and mouse control work for certain apps?
You might notice that your attendees are unable to use your keyboard and mouse within certain specific apps. This is due to a conflict with the Windows Integrity Mechanism and likely indicates that the app is running at a higher integrity level than the GoToMeeting desktop app. For example, if an app on your computer is running as admin (which uses a high integrity level), then other attendees will be unable to use your keyboard and mouse within it because the GoToMeeting desktop app runs at a medium security level.If you know that you want your attendees to be able to access an app that runs at a higher integrity level, you must launch GoToMeeting as an admin when you start your session (by right-clicking the app and selecting Run as admin).

How to Solve Unattended Access Issues for macOS Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15), and Big Sur (11.0)
MacOS versions starting from Mojave (10.14) and Catalina (10.15) have added security features that require additional permission(s) for using the full feature set of GoToAssist Remote Support v5. This poses a challenge to using Unattended Access on affected devices. If Unattended Access is not set up during an attended support session (but mass deployed, pre-deployed, etc.), there is no customer (end-user) present at the computer at the time of setup to provide the required privacy permissions, therefore, the following happens. Although the computer is listed on the Devices list in the Agent Console and the Unattended Access icon shows up in the Application menu of the computer, connection to this computer fails.

For Unattended Access to work, the customer needs to be present at the computer to provide the required Accessibility and/or Screen Recording permission(s). To achieve this, choose either of the following solutions:
- Start an attended support session (this always requires the customer’s presence and active participation).
- Start an unattended support session, but make sure the customer is present at the computer for the duration of this first unattended session.
When the macOS permission request flow starts on the customer's device, ask the customer to grant the needed privacy permission(s) as described in the related article:
Gotoassist Catalina Support
- How can I remote control a customer's mac running macOS Catalina and Big SurNote: Currently, macOS Big Sur (11.0, 11.1, 11.2) only allows users with admin privileges to enable the Screen Recording setting required for the screen sharing functionality.