Cool Surge Portable Air Conditioner
- (AIR CONDITIONERS (WATER-COOLED)) Intended primarily for extreme operating conditions of high-ambient temperatures or severe contaminants, these units utilize water as the medium for heat dissipation.
- An air conditioner (often referred to as AC) is a home appliance, system or mechanism designed to dehumidify and extract heat from an area. The cooling is done using a simple refrigeration cycle.
air conditioner
- Able to be easily carried or moved, esp. because of being a lighter and smaller version than usual
- easily or conveniently transported; “a portable television set”
- of a motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boat’s hull; “a portable outboard motor”
- (of software) Able to be transferred from one machine or system to another
- a small light typewriter; usually with a case in which it can be carried
5 Cool Mode Remote Control 1. Press Low, Med or High pads to set desired fan speed. Press the Increase +/ Decrease – pads to set the desired temperature 60°F to 85°F in 1°F increments. Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters & Importers from the.
- A sudden large increase, typically a brief one that happens during an otherwise stable or quiescent period
- a sudden or abrupt strong increase; “stimulated a surge of speculation”; “an upsurge of emotion”; “an upsurge in violent crime”
- A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, esp. by a crowd or by a natural force such as the waves or tide
- A major deployment of military forces to reinforce those already in a particular area
- billow: rise and move, as in waves or billows; “The army surged forward”
- (esp. of clothing) Keeping one from becoming too hot
- Soothing or refreshing because of its low temperature
- neither warm nor very cold; giving relief from heat; “a cool autumn day”; “a cool room”; “cool summer dresses”; “cool drinks”; “a cool breeze”
- the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature; “the cool of early morning”
Surging glacier
Surging Spring

It seems that once a company (this one being Fridge Electric) gets a 'Don't Buy!' rating from Consumer Reports (for their Cool Surge evaporative cooler) they just figure they have to wait a summer and release it under a new name: Mira-Cool. The Consumer Reports article on the air cooling unit opens with:

The Cool Surge might sound appealing when you consider the roughly 500 watts needed to run even a small air conditioner. Ohio-based Fridge Electric LLC, which markets the Cool Surge, has even offered a two-for-one deal in full-page ads in The New York Times and other newspapers. But our tests show that when it comes to cooling a room, the Cool Surge is likely to disappoint you at any price.
I first started researching the Mira-Cool product when I saw their full-page ad in USA Today. I guess they decided to change the name of the unit after Consumer Reports suggested that nobody buy it. From what I can tell, there is no difference between the Cool Surge and the Mira-Cool.
Their ad in USA Today starts off incredibly misleading with the title, 'Public set to get free air cooling units' and goes on to say, 'A new miracle air cooler is actually being given away free to the first 11,337 readers..' Well, after further reading I discovered that it was really a buy 1 (at $298) get 1 free, but you still had to pay for shipping on both units! But why who cares if you get both of them free if they don't work as advertised?
Any company that says this in their FAQ has to be joking:
Q: Can I leave it on when I'm not home?

A: It's recommended that you don't because when you get home, the MIRA-COOL can quickly blast out ice cooled air.
Unfortunately I don't think Mira-Cool and Fridge Electric is kidding even though their claims are a joke. Whenever you read something that seems too good to be probably is. There are hundreds of companies out there trying to take advantage of the public's ignorance on energy issues. Keep reading Mapawatt Blog (and keep your eyes peeled for other energy scams) and don't get taken advantage of!

Cool Surge Cs100 Manual Instructions
P.S. : If you want to see the Mira-Cool product for yourself (and at your own risk) go to and enter claim code MC1008.