Select the cell contains the traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese word you need to convert, then click Review Translate. Chinese Simplified and Traditional OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Online & Free Convert Scanned Documents and Images in chinese simplified and traditional language into Editable Word, Pdf, Excel and Txt (Text) output formats. Available pages: 10 (You have already used 0 pages).
OpenCC is a tool (both online and offline) for conversion Traditional andSimplified Chinese. In this post, we will write a Python program to use OpenCCto convert Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese.
Install OpenCC
Chinese Traditional To Simplified Chinese
See OpenCC repository on GitHub for installation. If you use Ubuntu Linux15.10, you can install OpenCC by:
OpenCC binding for Python
I found a lot of OpenCC bindings for Python ([3], [5], [6]) We will usepyOpenCC in [3] to convert Chinese. If you use Ubuntu Linux 15.10, you caninstall pyOpenCC by:
Souce Code For Demo

You can replace zhs2zhtw_vp.ini with other configurations according to yourneeds. All configurations I found by locate opencc are:
Output of Demo
Tested on: Ubuntu Linux 15.10, Python 2.7.10, opencc 0.4.3-2build1,pyopencc-
[1] | 開放中文轉換 Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC)(source code) |
[2] | Google Search: python opencc |
Character To Pinyin
[3] | (1, 2)pyOpenCC(PyPI,OpenCC Python binding) |
[4] | python-jianfan - A python library for translation between traditional and simplified chinese - Google Project Hosting(mirror) |
[5] | A Python wrapper for Open Chinese Convert(PyPI) |
Simplified To Traditional Chinese Translation
[6] | A ctypes-based OpenCC converter for Chinese(PyPI) |
[7] | Python 繁簡轉換套件 OpenCC 安裝及使用方法 (Ubuntu) |
Convert Traditional To Simplified Chinese In Powerpoint Presentations
[8] | 使用opencc in python繁體(正體)簡體中文轉換 |
[9] | [Golang] Conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese |
[10] | [JavaScript] Conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese |
[11] | Google Search: Python.h: No such file or directory |
Simplified Traditional Chinese Converter
[12] | [Golang] Converter for Traditional and Simplified Chinese |