Microsoft Word offers several page margin options. You can use the default page margins or specify your own. Add margins for binding A gutter margin adds extra space to the side margin, top margin, or inside margins of a document that you plan to bind to help ensure that text isn't obscured by binding. Gutter margins for binding. Microsoft Word ، تنزيل مجاني وآمن. أحدث إصدار من Microsoft Word. مايكروسوفت وورد هو جزء من مكتب مايكروسوفت. يتمتع برنامج العمل والإنتاجية هذا بالقدر.
Задает размеры полей печатаемой страницы.Specifies the dimensions of the margins of a printed page.
3 4 Inch Margins Microsoft Word Definition
- Реализации
System.DrawingSystem.Drawing.PrintingSystem.IO Для этого примера используйте пространства имен, и.Use the System.Drawing, System.Drawing.Printing, and System.IO namespaces for this example.
В следующем примере кода задаются параметры страницы по умолчанию для документа с полями по 1 дюйму на каждой стороне.The following code example sets the default page settings for a document to margins of 1 inch on each side.
MarginsКласс используется для управления шириной полей в PageSettings и PrintController .The Margins class is used to manipulate the width of margins in PageSettings and PrintController.MarginsConverter дескриптор типа для этого класса.MarginsConverter is the type descriptor for this class.
Left, Right , Top и Bottom — это свойства, определяющие поля.Left, Right, Top, and Bottom are properties that define the margins.Clone создает идентичный Margins .Clone creates an identical Margins.Equals Определяет, имеют ли другие объекты те же измерения, что и Margins .Equals determines if another object has the same dimensions as a Margins.
Дополнительные сведения о печати см. в разделе System.Drawing.Printing Общие сведения о пространстве имен.For more information about printing, see the System.Drawing.Printing namespace overview.

Margins() | Инициализирует новый экземпляр класса Margins с полями, ширина которых равна 1 дюйму.Initializes a new instance of the Margins class with 1-inch wide margins. |
Margins(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Инициализирует новый экземпляр класса Margins с указанными левым, правым, верхним и нижним полями.Initializes a new instance of the Margins class with the specified left, right, top, and bottom margins. |
Bottom | Получает или задает нижнее поле в сотых долях дюйма.Gets or sets the bottom margin, in hundredths of an inch. |
Left | Получает или задает ширину левого поля в сотых долях дюйма.Gets or sets the left margin width, in hundredths of an inch. |
Right | Получает или задает ширину правого поля в сотых долях дюйма.Gets or sets the right margin width, in hundredths of an inch. |
Top | Получает или задает ширину верхнего поля в сотых долях дюйма.Gets or sets the top margin width, in hundredths of an inch. |
Clone() | Почленно загружает дубликат этого объекта.Retrieves a duplicate of this object, member by member. |
Equals(Object) | Сравнивает этот объект Margins с указанным объектом Object, чтобы определить, обладают ли они одинаковыми размерами.Compares this Margins to the specified Object to determine whether they have the same dimensions. |
GetHashCode() | Рассчитывает и извлекает хэш-код на основе ширины левого, правого, верхнего и нижнего полей.Calculates and retrieves a hash code based on the width of the left, right, top, and bottom margins. |
GetType() | Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра.Gets the Type of the current instance. (Унаследовано от Object) |
MemberwiseClone() | Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object.Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Унаследовано от Object) |
ToString() | Преобразует объект Margins в строку.Converts the Margins to a string. |
Equality(Margins, Margins) | Сравнивает два объекта Margins, чтобы определить, обладают ли они одинаковыми размерами.Compares two Margins to determine if they have the same dimensions. |
Inequality(Margins, Margins) | Сравнивает два объекта Margins, чтобы определить, равны ли они по ширине.Compares two Margins to determine whether they are of unequal width. |
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См. также раздел
There are three different ways to adjust page margins in Microsoft Word:
This tutorial is also available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.
Watch more than 100 other videos about Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat on my YouTube channel.
The images below are from Word in Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365). The steps are the same in Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010. However, your interface may look slightly different in those older versions of the software.
Adjust Page Margins with the Ruler
This method is only recommended for short documents. If your document is long or has multiple sections, see the preset and custom margin methods below.
Important note: Skip to step 3 if your ruler is already visible.
- Select the View tab in the ribbon.
- Select Ruler in the Show group.

- Press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select the entire document.
Pro Tip: Select All from the Ribbon
As an alternative to Ctrl + A, you can select the entire document from the ribbon:
1. Select the Home tab in the ribbon.
2. Select the Select button in the Editing group.

3. Select the Select All option from the drop-down menu.
- Hover your cursor over the inner border of the gray area on the left or right end of the horizontal ruler until your cursor becomes a double arrow. (You should see a tooltip that says, “Left margin” or “Right margin.”)
How To Change Margins Microsoft Word
- Slide the double-arrow cursor to the left or right to adjust the margin.
- To adjust the top or bottom margins, hover your cursor over the inner border of the gray area of the vertical ruler until your cursor becomes a double arrow. Then, slide the double-arrow cursor up or down to adjust the margin.
Should You Adjust Margins with the Ruler Marker?
The square ruler marker in the horizontal ruler can be used to move the left edge of the text.
However, this technique indents your text; it doesn’t adjust the margin.
Although the visual effect is the same, creating unnecessary indents can cause problems with other formatting within longer documents.
The preset method and custom method shown below offer more precise control over margins.
Use Preset Margins
Important note: Preset margins only affect your current section. If you want to apply a preset to an entire document with multiple sections, press Ctrl + A to select the entire document before performing these steps.
- Select the Layout tab in the ribbon.
- Select the Margins button in the Page Setup group.
- Select one of the preset margins from the drop-down menu:
- Normal
- Narrow
- Moderate
- Wide
- Mirrored (This is for binding documents like a book.)
- Office 2003 Default
3 4 Inch Margins Microsoft Word Template
After you make your selection, the Margins drop-down menu will close, and your margins will adjust immediately.
Pro Tip: The preset menu is also available in the Print tab in the backstage view.
Create Custom Margins
- Select the Layout tab in the ribbon (see figure 7).
- Select the dialog box launcher in the Page Setup group.
- Enter your new margins in inches (whole numbers or decimals) in the Top, Left, Bottom, and Right text boxes in the Page Setup dialog box.
3 4 Inch Margins Microsoft Word Template
- Select a location in the Apply to menu:
- This section
- This point forward
- Whole document
The This section option won’t appear if your document doesn’t have section breaks.
- Select the OK button to close the Page Setup dialog box.
As always, save your file to save your changes.
Related Resources
Updated May 2, 2021