- Kung maganda ang pakiramdam, mangyaring magustuhan at ibahagi. Salamat sa lahat ng sumuporta sa amin na magkaroon ng mas mahusay na mga videoššBecome a mem.
- Although ILOVEYOU, also known as the Love Bug at the time, is commonly referred to as a computer virus, more specifically it's a worm. The main difference comes down to how the infection spreads.
Testimony of Stephen R. Malphrus Staff Director for Management The 'I Love You' computer virus and the financial services industry Before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate May 18, 2000 |
ILOVEYOU, sometimes referred to as Love Bug or Love Letter for you, is a computer worm that infected over ten million Windows personal computers on and after 5 May 2000 when it started spreading as an email message with the subject line 'ILOVEYOU' and the attachment 'LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs'. For those who are new to security, it may be a surprise that the one of the farthest reaching and devastating computer viruses, ILOVEYOU virus, first appeared 20 years ago this week.
The FBI is on the case. Computer security experts said the virus, which disguises itself as an alluring email called 'I LOVE YOU,' was one of the fastest-spreading cyber-scourges they had ever seen.
Chairman Bennett and Members of the Subcommittee, I am pleased to have this opportunity to participate in today's panel on our recent experience with the so-called 'I love you,' or 'Love Bug,' computer virus. First, Mr. Chairman, I had the pleasure of working with you when I served as Chair of the Financial Sector Group of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion. I am grateful for the leadership and support you provided to the work of the Financial Sector Group and the President's Council. Clearly the public-private sector partnership you helped forge was key to our nation's successful conversion to the new century. As you know, the Love Bug virus was launched from the Far East, and it attacked computers around the world running Microsoft Outlook for Windows. To review what we know, the Love Bug virus, or in the taxonomy of computer science, the 'worm,' entered computers through e-mail messages. Once a message was opened, the virus was able to reproduce itself by finding address lists stored by the computer's owner and then sending itself to the addressees. If an addressee opened the attachment, a similar replication occurred, enabling the virus to spread rapidly. We understand that the virus was designed to steal Internet passwords. The virus was able to modify operating system files as well as certain sound and picture files residing in the infected computers. It had the effect of degrading network performance by inundating e-mail server systems and some web pages. Variants of the virus in some cases had a major impact on the data and program files of some computer networks, although we did not experience that in the Federal Reserve. Like many organizations, the Federal Reserve System received hundreds of Love Bug e-mail messages. However, the virus had no impact on our critical business functions or information systems. Indeed, the delivery of key financial and central bank services by the Federal Reserve was unaffected. In the weeks following May 4, we contacted industry trade organizations as well as a number of the institutions we supervise, and they reported the virus did not impair critical retail or wholesale banking services. Indeed with the help of various public- and private-sector information-sharing programs, the virus was quickly detected, isolated, and immunized through a variety of standard operating procedures that have been implemented by the Federal Reserve and financial institutions. May 4 Love Bug Attacks Financial institutions that have foreign offices, particularly those with operations in Asia, had the earliest warning and were able to take steps to inform employees worldwide and to shield their e-mail systems, in many cases before opening for business. As a precaution, many institutions shut down external, and in some instances internal, e-mail systems. These institutions also quickly alerted industry trade organizations and business partners about what they knew of the virus. The global nature of commerce helped many financial institutions learn about the virus before many of the monitoring services issued an alert. At the Federal Reserve, we immediately began to implement our standard virus incident response procedures. The fact that our employees were already trained to recognize and report suspicious e-mail messages, such as those that typically are virus carriers, was a tremendous asset in limiting the spread of the virus internally - only a handful of messages were opened. As a preventive measure, at about 9:30 a.m., we shut down our e-mail systems to incoming mail from the Internet, and subsequently through our intranet, until we received and installed an anti-virus patch, or antidote, from our software vendors. (An antidote cannot be produced until the particular virus is analyzed, and systems are at risk until an antidote is installed.) In accordance with Federal Reserve System policy, line management responsible for information security convened Systemwide conference calls to discuss the virus and to coordinate actions to contain it. During the day, the CERT3 and other virus-response centers provided information about how the virus spread and measures to contain the virus. We began installing anti-virus patches in the afternoon, and as an example, the Board of Governors re-opened its e-mail systems to outside mail by 5:00 p.m. Financial institutions reported they were able to reopen e-mail systems at various times during the day, and most e-mail systems were open by the beginning of business the following morning. Federal Reserve's Procedures for Responding to Viruses and Other Malicious Attacks on Our Information Systems In addition to training our employees in how to identify and deal with suspicious messages, the Federal Reserve has implemented several layers of security protections. These include incident response teams, virus-detection software that screens e-mail messages and mailboxes for viruses, and, on some systems, we are operating 'integrity checking tools' that detect changes in operating systems and software. We have an ongoing communications program with senior executives regarding the operational risks associated with information systems. Effective lines of communication are also in place linking IT professionals across the Federal Reserve System to each other and with our vendors and organizations, such as the FBI and CERT. Impact of Love Bug Virus on Federal Reserve and Financial Institutions The Federal Reserve did experience some negative effects from the Love Bug attack. While our e-mail systems were disconnected, we used fax machines and telephones to complete routine communications. This proved to be inconvenient for some employees. In addition, our Information Technology staff had to devote time to communicating with employees and business partners about appropriate screening and containment measures and to perform work to apply software patches to immunize our e-mail systems and recover machines that had been infected by the virus. In short, a virus of this nature can be disruptive to an organization's electronic communications and knowledge-sharing activities. The financial institutions we supervise reported a similar experience. Word about the virus spread almost as quickly around the globe as did the virus, and companies were able to alert employees and to shield e-mail systems early in the business day. Even when e-mail systems became infected, the virus was not able to spread to critical banking systems. Financial institutions conducted business as usual, and ATMs and other retail and wholesale payment and settlement systems were unaffected. Although there were some minor disruptions in commerce, we have not identified any measurable effect on the economy - in large part because commercial transactions are not generally conducted using e-mail-based information systems. Various news services have estimated the cost of the virus - in terms of lowered productivity and labor costs to manage the virus and recover from damage - in the range of $5 billion to $15 billion worldwide. At this time, however, we view those numbers as 'guestimates.'4 Lessons Learned With respect to the financial institutions we supervise, the Federal Reserve is integrating our information technology examination program into safety and soundness assessments to ensure the inherent business risks created by technology are properly managed. One benefit of Y2K is that senior executives and board of directors of financial institutions have a better understanding of the linkage between operations risk and credit, market, liquidity, reputational, legal, and other forms of risk. This will serve the industry well in addressing new operational risks posed by rogue software, such as viruses. In addition, we are committed to participating in initiatives that promote information-system security and that assist in the rapid identification and analysis of new viruses and other forms of cyber attacks. The Federal Reserve is an active participant in numerous public- and private-sector activities to protect the critical infrastructure. For example, we receive information from the NIPC and we will also be participating in the financial services information sharing and assessment center. We also plan to work more closely with our anti-virus software vendors to convey the urgency of producing antidotes to new viruses in an even more timely manner. Our financial institutions report a renewed commitment to training, particularly institutions in which virus-screening capabilities are somewhat limited because of lessor reliance on e-mail systems. Moreover, to avoid having to shut down e-mail systems even briefly, some larger institutions plan to investigate more robust filters that can be deployed in the period following the spread of a virus and before their anti-virus software vendors produce an antidote patch. As a result of the Love Bug virus, there is an increased awareness in the financial sector that today's most commonly used desktop products (web browsers, e-mail, and the like) are generally not designed to resist future virus strains. Financial institutions also believe that the software industry needs to take additional steps to ensure that their products are appropriately secure. It is essential that desktop products used to support critical business functions are secure and engender confidence in their use. In the future, we anticipate that desktop products will increasingly be employed to deliver retail financial services over the Internet. Conclusion In my opinion, if electronic commerce is to flourish, there must be a high degree of confidence by all parties to transactions that the systems and networks are as secure as possible. There is a need to focus on measures that can be implemented to contain viruses while antidotes are being developed. These include measures to share information more effectively, to analyze new viruses quickly, to distribute fixes more efficiently, and to recognize new, innovative viruses as they occur. Finally, public- and private-sector information-security initiatives, including early warning, analysis, information on, and containment, should be supported and broadened. Up to this point, much of the focus on new threats to computer systems has focused on national security and criminal aspects of the problem. From my perspective, the discussion should be expanded to include the broader risks presented by the growth of electronic commerce. One of the reasons our nation's Year 2000 efforts were so successful was that leaders in the public and private sectors recognized that technology issues presented significant business risks and they worked together to meet the challenge. The work of the Department of the Treasury in supporting the goals of Presidential Decision Directive 63 is a good step in helping the financial sector to address new forms of operations risk. Finally, in my view, the model implemented to address Y2K could be helpful in strengthening programs to address the risks to the public infrastructure on which the financial services industry relies: telecommunications, power, water, transportation, and public safety. Mr. Chairman, this concludes my statement, and thank you for asking me to appear today. I would be happy to answer any questions you or Members of the subcommittee may have. |
Footnotes 1 ANSIR (Awareness of National Security Issues and Response) is the NIPC center that provides automated, unclassified advisory, alert, and warning information concerning physical and cyber threats to private-sector security professionals. 2 InfraGard is an FBI initiative to provide a private- and public-sector information-sharing mechanism in support of critical infrastructure protection. The FBI plans to open InfraGard chapters in all fifty-six FBI field districts. 3 The CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) coordination center was chartered in 1988 by the U.S. Department of Defense to work with the Internet community to respond to computer security problems, raise awareness of computer security issues, and prevent security breaches. CERT/CC is part of the Networked Systems Survivability Program in the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development center at Carnegie Mellon University. 4 See, for example, APBnews.com, 'The Bug that Ate $10 Billion' (May 8, 2000); Kathleen Ohlson, Computer World, ' 'Love' Virus Costs Approaching $7 Billion' (May 9, 2000); Jesse J. Holland, Associated Press writer, 'Computer Virus Hits Fed Agencies' (May 11, 2000). 2000 Testimony |
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Last update: May 18, 2000
I Love You Virus Definition
The computer, I Love You Virus. Known to users as the ā Love Virus, āit belongs to the worm category, capable of reproducing through electronic networks.
And also, modifying the files of the infected computer and transmitting it via email when the Internet user opens the file where he stays.
On May 4, 2000, this virus released on the network, quickly filling up the more than 3 million computers.
I Love You Virus was released in the Philippines, making Asia the first country to suffer from its destructive effects, followed by Europe and Russia.
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What are the Features of this Virus?
The virus overwrites files with.VBS and.VBE extensions with its code. Delete the files with extensions.JS, .JSE, .CSS, .WSH, .SCT and .HTA, and create others with the same name and extension.
It locates files with the extension.JPG, .JPEG, .MP3, and .MP2, delete them, and create others where the new name is formed by the previous name.
How does this I Love You Virus work?
- After the first start of the ālove messageā copies itself into the system directories and the registry of the operating system and then searches the computer for multimedia files.
- When the virus found, it changes the data extension and sometimes makes it invisible to the user.
- I then start a fan mailing to the recipients and download a program to steal passwords and send information to the creatorās email address.
- However, computer viruses love letter 2000. The code has been heavily modified, and if its action previously only damaged multimedia files, everything changed over time.
- New versions of the ālove messageā lead to the failure of the computer, deletion and modification of the system file INI and BAT, which are responsible for loading the machine.
What are the precautions to be taken?

There are still a few versions on the Internet. Viruses are fewer because Kaspersky Lab has long been developing a program that can detect any change in the ālove message.ā
- The software checks the script before it runs, and if it detects any malicious code in it, it prevents the script from starting.
- But already active virus I love you (the creator of this filth, Onel de GuzmĆ”n) cannot stop ā it can only delete by losing the affected files.
- In order to avoid such consequences (users who do not consider to protect their PC), it is better not to download suspicious attachments, even if they come with a letter from a friend.
- It is necessary to double-check with a friend what is in them and make sure that the email was sent by someone, not by a malicious program.
I Love You Virus Email
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