Setting up the software database is easy, and you can use your existing map graphics. Don't worry if you're not a computer expert - with the help of our free expert and personal support, anyone can set up their own database in Campground Master! Find and compare top Camp Management software on Capterra, with our free and interactive tool. Quickly browse through hundreds of Camp Management tools and systems and narrow down your top choices. Filter by popular features, pricing options, number of users, and read reviews from real users and find a tool that fits your needs.

How can Open Campground really be free?
What's the catch?We all know There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch† and there usually isn't.
- Open Campground Download is entirely free to download and use.There is nothing charged for it, you are under no obligation to pay anyone touse it for any purpose and you can give it to anyone else.See the license for limitations on claiming you wrote it etc.
- Open Campground Flash Card is somewhat different. In this case I charge a small amount($49.50) for the Flash Card and the installer program. Open Campground is still licensedunder the same license in this case but the installer program is not coveredby that license and may not be copied and further distributed. You can copyand transfer Open Campground itself just not the installer.
- The third form in which Open Campground is available is as a service (OpenCampground in the Cloud). A fee is charged for this service and there is no meansfor you to modify the system. The software is the same as the other versionsof Open Campground so you are welcome to download and examine the systemas you wish.

In all cases I want your feedback. I want to know what features are useful,what are useless and what features are missing that would make the systemmore useful. Go to the support page for information on how to submit featurerequests and bug reports.
You may ask how do you expect to make any money off this
. The answer isthat I don't really expect to make much money from it. I would like to makeenough to cover my costs including this web site (I am not quite there yet)and I would not mind making a bit beyond that but getting rich was not really the motivation behind OpenCampground. I am a retired programmer and I find the challenge of creatinga useful software system very rewarding. I spent over 5 years traveling theUS and Canada in my motor home after I retired. I was amazed by the schemesand systems that small campgrounds had to use to keep track of occupancy andreservations. I thought I could create a system that would make sense for that group of campgrounds. I saw it as a way to give back for the many thingsI have enjoyed in this country.
Your obligations as a user areall described in the license. This is the same license that a largeamount of software (including the Linux system) is made available under.In general the GPL (the license) says that one has to make the source of thesystem available to anyone you provide the system to.In this case that is not a problem because programs in the Ruby language are normally distributed in the source form (this is contrasted with a program written it C which isusually distributed in object form from which the original program text cannotusually be inferred).Here is a section of the license:

You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program'ssource code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that youconspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriatecopyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all thenotices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this Licensealong with the Program.The obligation to distribute in source form confers the other form of freedomassociated with software under this license. That is the freedom to correct,improve, modify and in any other way change the software. You are able tochange the system to any extent you are capable of in the same way that Icorrect, update and enhance the system. If you do not like the colors usedor the fonts used or what the names of columns on a display are or how thesystem works in any way you have the freedom to change it.
We added Park Maps to the RV Park Software in Version 3.
Many of the RV Park management software packages have the ability to display a Map or 2 of your Park with color coded sites depicting the Site occupied or available across certain dates. This “Feature” generally costs extra and that cost may be based on the number of Sites. We have developed a way for you to have this type of capability without any additional costs. That is, you use a software tool to define your Park Map and then the RV Park Software would use your Maps.
The way this works is, you would need an Image (Jpeg or Gif) of your Park Map. You can have up to 4 Map Images to fully define all of your 'Sites'. You will use a software tool called MapMaker to load your existing Park Map(s) and place boxes at each site by Dragging them to their proper location. The boxes can be whatever size you want (within reason) and would change color based on Open, Occupied, Reserved, or Unavailable in RV Park software. The software tool looks like this:
Campground Map Design Software
The Maps look similar in RV Park Software, but with a different interface at the bottom of the Panel for entering Dates. NOTE: If you never launch MapMaker, RV Park will stay the same with only the Reservation Grid to Manage your Guests. Here is what it could look like:
When you put your Mouse over an Occupied or Reserved Site Box you get the Site Alias Number, the Guest Name, and their Arrival & Departure Dates. If there are 3 Guests in the Site across the Dates entered, you will see all of them with their respective Arrival and Departure dates in order. Change the From and To Dates and the Map(s) will update with the Park Status for that period of time.
Campground Map Design Software Free
You can launch the MapMaker Tool from the SetUp panel in Version 3.0.5 and above. MapMaker is a very simple Tool to create and maintain your Park Map(s). Simply place the Map Image(s) in your RVPark directory add all of your Sites in the RV Park software, and use MapMaker to create your Park Map(s).