Bios7.bin, 16KB: ARM7 BIOS bios9.bin, 4KB: ARM9 BIOS firmware.bin, 128/256/512KB: firmware Firmware boot requires a firmware dump from an original DS or DS Lite. Can anybody please tell me a guide on how to obtain bios7.bin, bios9.bin and firmware.bin for melon ds emulator? Please give me a step-by-step guide! Last edited by raulpica, Jul 3, 2017 - Reason: Fixed it for you -rp. Upon the first run, the emulator will prompt you to select the folder with the BIOS and firmware files, specifically, Bios7.bin, Bios9.bin, and firmware.bin. Cronette 1.9 for macos. Choose the directory that you extracted the contents to (in step 2). Next the emulator will prompt you to select the NDS games folder, pick the directory where your games are located. Skyrim daedric light armor mod.
Melonds Bios Bin
HD Erick Games- ID: 57686
- +2
Someone who speaks Portuguese
Karma: 484
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Since: 11-02-16

Nds Bios 7 And 9
I made this thread for people that doesn't know the existence of this Emulator, this emulator is in Alpha stage but alredy supports local multiplayer on Pictochat, NSMB and Pokémon. this can be useful to Test Mario vs Luigi hacks if you don't have a DS/3DS and/or to record and take high quality screenshots without the need of a Capture Card. Sadly melonDS doesnt support Local Multiplayer between real DS's but at least melonDS achieved what every other DS emulator didn't. Local Multiplayer Emulation.
Download link for melonDS emulator: Here
Download link for DS bios7.bin, bios9.bin and firmware.bin: (removed)
(Remember to rename the files to the names i listed above or it won't work)