AWCI Technical Manual 12-B “Standard Practice for the Testing and inspection of Field Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials” (NOTE: Technical Manual 12-B only required for Agencies providing intumescent inspections). AWCI Technical Manual B, “Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of. Field Applied Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials. Provides field inspection procedures for the testing of thin-film intumescent fire- resistive materials. Includes testing criteria for thickness measurement of applied.
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- Awci Technical Manual 12 B Pdf
- Awci 12 B Technical Manual
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions to the shipping chain may occur and your order delivery may be delayed. We apologize for the inconvenience. BooksAWCI Centennial Book AWCI PeriodicalsAWCI's Construction Dimensions - 211 AWCI's Construction Dimensions - Outside U.S. and Canada - 211a Exterior Insulation Finish SystemsEIFS Installation Job Review Sheet - 133 Field-Applied Sprayed Fire-Resistive MaterialsDouble Pack -Technical Manual 12-A, 4th Edition; and Technical Manual 12-B, Third Edition Technical Manual 12-A, 4th Edition; Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of Field Applied Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials; an Annotated Guide - 115 Technical Manual 12-B, Third Edition; Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of Field Applied Thin Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials; an Annotated Guide - 117 Specialty ItemsAWCI’s Industry Leaders Conference On-demand Steel FramingCold-Formed Steel Framing Primer: A Guide to Understanding and Application (2015) – 126 |
AWCI Technical Manual B, “Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of. Field Applied Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials. Provides field inspection procedures for the testing of thin-film intumescent fire- resistive materials. Includes testing criteria for thickness measurement of applied . AWCI Technical Manual B, Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of Field Applied Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials; an Annotated.
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Awci Technical Manual 12-b
Grind smooth all weld spatter and defects prior to commencement of fire protection installation. Delete options for Application not required for project. Once agreed upon in writing, it serves as a guide for the finished work.
Thickness determinations shall be made at nine locations around the beam, at each end of a in. Provide masking, drop cloths or other suitable coverings to prevent overspray onto surfaces not intended to be affected by Work in this section. The relative humidity of the application area shall not exceed a maximum of 85 percent for 24 hours prior, during and 24 hours after the application of the material.
International Protective Coatings is the leading supplier of high performance Protective Coatings and forms part of Akzo Nobel, a market driven, technology based company specializing in Coatings, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals.
The use of a bonding agent may also improve the bond of portland cement plaster applied over relatively slick concrete, but the literature warns that one should ensure that it is an exterior grade bonding agent because a cheaper interior grade of bonding agent may not provide adequate bond.
Technical Manual 12-B
Steel substrate temperature shall be a minimum of 5 deg F 3 deg C above the dew point of the surrounding air for a period of 24 hours prior and during the application of the material.
Can am bombardier traxter 500 owners manual. Jones is AWCI’s director of technical services. That’s where reading the earlier material comes in handy. Cisco packet tracer 6.0 1 for mac. After several failed attempts to explain this testing procedure to me I first took it to mean one must measure near each end of the beam, 12 inches inthe technical sales rep wound up drawing a diagram that finally made it clear.
To ensure a concrete surface is clean and rough enough to receive a stucco finish, it may need to be sandblasted or mechanically abraded, a dash coat of the cement plaster mix can be applied before the finish coat, or metal lath can be attached using poweractuated fasteners implying a two- or threecoat stucco system to follow. The product has excellent corrosion performance and mechanical properties.
When I first encountered this instruction many years ago, I happened to be observing a fire test of a new formulation of an intumescent coating in a small-scale furnace conducted by one of our manufacturer members. Commencement of installation is acceptance of substrate.
Store and dispose of hazardous materials, and materials contaminated by hazardous materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction. Architectural Fire Protection Factory Manufacturer: Submit manufacturer’s written installation instructions. Verify that all clip hangers, piping, ducts, equipment or other items which would interfere with the installation of the factory-manufactured architectural fire protection system are not positioned or installed until installation is complete.
The magic drawing was a crude 3-dimensional image of an I-beam showing some of the nine points to be measured and then, 12 inches further along the beam, was another set of points to be tested. Mac os 10.7 iso.
The factory manufactured architectural fire protection material is supplied at the required dry film thickness in accordance with the appropriate design listing. Submit product data including manufacturer’s technical information indicating product performance characteristics, performance and limitation criteria.

Install factory-manufactured architectural fire protection material only to primed surfaces and in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions. What could have caused this, and how do we avoid it recurring? The application must be witnessed by the Architect’s or Owner’s representative and is subject to their approval.
No intumescent fireproofing or coating material may be procured or delivered to the project site prior to the review and acceptance of the proposed materials by the Architect in writing.
Delete paragraphs not applicable. The fire protection material inspection must be performed prior to the application of the decorative top coat.
Submit applicator’s current awcci as a manufacturer trained and approved installer. Temperature and Humidity Mankal Include evidence that the fire testing was sponsored by the manufacturer and that the material tested was produced at the manufacturers facility under the supervision of third party certification personnel. Interchar can provide fully fire proofed steelwork without the need to topcoat.
Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and techhnical workmanship. Interchar is primarily a spray applied material, and performs without the requirement for any reinforcement.
A stand-alone reading of section 6. In other words, the concrete can’t be too slick or too dry. Clean substrate free of dust, dirt, grease or other foreign substances that would impair with the bond of the factory manufactured architectural fire protection adhesive material. Approved by the factory manufactured architectural fire protection material manufacturer and applied in accordance with the topcoat manufacturer’s documented instructions.
So, one might wonder, how tschnical beams mamual other structural members per test? Some argue that when testing a beam, the thickness must be tested in nine locations around the beam every 12 inches. Factory manufactured architectural fire protection system will be a complete system from a single source consisting of primer, factory manufactured fire protection sections, section adhesive, edge sealant and decorative topcoat.
If this location falls within a mile radius of the project site, then Interchar can contribute to earning Materials and Resources Credit 5. All batch number, product identification and quantities shall be recorded on appropriate QC documents. If the concrete lacks sufficient “tooth” for the plaster to bond texhnical, it can eventually fail.
Awci Technical Manual 12-b Download
Others claim that the instructions mean that the sample beam must be tested 12 inches from the end s of the member. The wording of the instructions for testing the film thickness of Thin- Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials on structural members in Technical Manual B can indeed be a bit confusing, especially technicall read without having first read the earlier passages in the manual.
Submit published third party design listings for fire resistance ratings and product thickness. Patching must be performed by the qualified installer and tefhnical in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Substrate and air temperature shall be in accordance with the manufacturers 12-bb. Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship, color, and sheen are approved by Architect. Apply approved primer to properly cleaned substrate in accordance with manufacturer’s application instructions. The following is one example of how a mock-up on a large project might be specified.
Awci Technical Manual 12 B Pdf
Submit plan, section, elevation and perspective drawings as necessary to depict system configuration, design considerations and application procedures. Protect work area from windblown dust and rain. Final color, gloss and finish will be determined and approved by the Architect.